This is the eldest of all my blessings... CALEB. We finally fulfilled our birthday promise to him by taking him to a Cardinals game. I think this picture forever captures how I will always "see" my son, whether standing at the front of a church waiting for his bride, or holding his first born child or even if I'm blessed long enough to see him hold his first grandchild. Just that huge grin on his face, cap on his head and ball and glove in his hands. I'm sure every mother has a single snapshot of each of their children that embraces the essence of that child.
Caleb has reached an age of having a special ability to humble me by his innocent faith. It makes me smile to think that God purposely gives us children just to remind us how GREAT is He!
Recently we were talking about adoption with Caleb and explaining the difference between adoption from another country and from here. Which led to trying to explain foster care.
We told him how mommy and daddy actually have a foster care license from going through the process of adoption.
Caleb's face lit up and he said, "Can we go get one(a child) right now??"
Of course I laughed and immediately said, "Honey, don't you think mommy and daddy are crazy enough right now with the 2 babies and you two guys?!" To which he shook his head emphatically no : ) My heart was so blessed by his selflessness because the girls have definitely taken away from the attention we give him. Innocent faith.
Then, last night at a Life Action service at our church, the kids came in to join their parents for praise and worship. Caleb stood on a chair behind me with his arms wrapped around my neck as he bellowed out in a very off-tune voice precious words to the Father in Heaven with singing.
I was nearly a heap on the floor right there, completely humbled. Simply amazed that God can work in this 7 yr. old's life in SPITE of this weak, flawed and sinful woman God gave him as a mother. Innocent Faith.
Thank you Lord for being sovereign, for being the ONE in control, the ONE that covers a multitude of wrongs with love!

A first Cardinal picture with all 6 of us!


And the Girls!(oops, where's MY Cardinal shirt?)
Thanks Mom and Dad for watching the girls so we could spend some special time with our little men at the game!