My little men getting into the Christmas spirit with their adorable gingerbread houses(with the assistance of my dear friend Gayle, THANK YOU Gayle!!)
It may sound crazy but whether good or bad I LOVE hearing news from our caseworker : ) There can be WEEKS between updates and hearing nothing can just drive you insane. The saying news is good news but the truth is I just want to hear SOMETHING so that I can be reassured that our case has not been forgotten. I suppose bedrest only increases that desire : )
Well, we did hear news last night and it was good. According to our agency, we definitely have been grandfathered in....even without the DNA. All we needed was our power of attorney to be considered a pending adoption. PRAISE GOD!!! She also told me that we would most likely get our DNA request presented again on Monday along with another family that has had rejection problems....please pray for the Lord's will to be done.
I have been doing my own inductive Bible study on the book of Ephesians and have been trying to grasp the fullness of the promises we have "in Christ". I've already spent a couple of hours on the first chapter and feel as though I need to stay there even longer. Eph.1:3 says, "Blessed be the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places IN CHRIST..." We have every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies...for those who are in Christ....WOW! So, I can be patient between hearing news updates and I can have faith when circumstances don't look promising because I am in Christ! There is nothing that brings me greater joy, more comforting peace or deeper love for my Savior than the Word. I pray you will each find time today to pursue the ONE relationship that never fails, never rejects and never ends. love, Marianne
Great to hear from you. I've been praying for you and checking to see how you are doing. Praying right now that the DNA auth. would be granted today.
Sounds like Ephesians is just where the Lord wants you. :)
wish we could see you next week - but I am thankful that you are doing well! I can't wait to meet both girls! I sounds like there are now 4 upcoming babies coming to the Smith clan! (Karie and Nate! - and probably another girl)
Praying for you!
Praying for DNA- that it is already done!
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