I love it... REALLY! I'm so thankful for my kids and don't take them for granted after all that God has taught me the last few years. But honestly, I'm tired. Not complaining... just a fact. The last few weeks I told David I don't want to fast forward or skip ahead, I'm very content where we are.... just could use a break, you know, the kind of break most people get in a regular job. Yep, no such guarantee in the mommy business.
Ah, but the Lord knows what we need even before we ask! There's a marriage conference at our church this weekend..... just a Fri. evening and Sat. morning thing. But praising God for my mother-in-law who has agreed to watch the kids the whole time and even is keeping them overnight for us! It may not be a whole 24hrs. but it is a break! Thank you LORD!!!
You could change the color of the sofa and the pillows and that would be our house! Every day, at least a couple times I put the cushions back and sometimes I have to travel to several rooms putting cushions back from the fort or the giant pie or whatever the imagination has cooked up.
As for a break, sometimes I tell Gordon that I'm going out for groceries and maybe I'll be back in an hour or maybe I'll check into a hotel and be back the next day!
Enjoy your break. You deserve it!! And don't worry about the pillows, they'll be there when you come back:)
I'm glad I get to enjoy your break WITH you!
I just wanted to say that it is perfectly okay to need a break once in a while. Those breaks, even when short, renew and refresh us to do the wonderful "job" that the Lord has blessed us with. :)
Hope you had a wonderful weekend!
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