This is our "Family Wall". The chalkboard in the middle is for our family devotions at dinner and the 4 bulletin board frames are for each of the kids' mothering moments. Let me explain.
When I went to a Hearts at Home conference a few wks ago, I ran across this idea of "recognizing, recording, and remembering" mothering moments. The speaker had an example at her booth of a pretty picture frame made into a bulletin board. On the bulletin she had a picture her child had drawn, a picture of the child, a prayer request from the child and a "mother's paycheck"(just a cute way of saying a story or quote of your child on a pretty index card). And of course there were cute ribbons and embellishments of the scrapbooking sort : )
So with my husband's inspiration about the chalkboard for family devos, I added the 4 frames. The cool thing is that the same week we decided to do this, I got an email from the conference speaker saying I WON a packet of 50 "Mother's Paychecks" from her booth! I took this as affirmation : )
Here's an example from one of my paychecks:
Zachary has been working on self control when he doesn't get his way. This morning I told him to get his church clothes on and he proceeded to throw a tantrum. It did not last long but as I was buttoning his dress shirt, he said in a very calm voice,
"Mommy, I was really angry with you when you told me I had to get dressed, but now that I'm getting my clothes on, I feel like all my sins are washed away!"
Have a blessed week!
With much love, Marianne
What a great idea! I'm going to have to listen to that CD from the conference!
Sorry Marianne! I had my friend Laura on my mind when I posted that comment! OK, I have severe mommy brain today!
That is a neat idea! Kids love those visible things.
Love, love, love this idea! Will you PLEASE post a picture and a description when it's complete!?
This is amazing!
Easter blessings to you and your beautiful family!!!
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