Saturday, December 19, 2009
11 years
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Does God still do Miracles?
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Another adoption adventure!
I'm gonna be signing off for a few days while I do some blogging elsewhere. Come on over and join me at : ) Our friends just left today for Ethiopia to pick up their new daughter and son, Addis and Micah! I'm going to be posting for them as their internet access will be limited. They have a beautiful story and should be fun to follow the next 10 days : )
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Logos Great Bible Giveaway
Logos Bible Software is celebrating the launch of their new online Bible by giving away 72 ultra-premium print Bibles at a rate of 12 per month for six months. The Bible giveaway is being held at and you can get up to five different entries each month! After you enter, be sure to check out Logos and see how it can revolutionize your Bible study.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Has it really been a MONTH?!!
Can't believe I haven't blogged in almost a month. Sarah has been sleeping well and we've really been doing well in the bonding area again. But let me tell you, we have been BUSY!! I know everyone's busy with life and schedules... just never tried to keep up with American standards of busyness with a two yr. old and an almost two yr. old before.
Thought I'd give you a reason to smile with Sarah's latest obsession... diapering ALL baby dolls and stuffed animals in the house(and apparently needing sunglasses to do it : )) Sarah also takes off her diaper and Emily's whenever we turn around.

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Bonding and Attachment in Adoption
Bonding and attachment are words that have as much meaning for the adoptive family as trying to describe the meaning of "grace" in a believer's life. Possibly because they both involve "trust and security".
I never even considered "bonding and attachment" to be an issue in our adoption... afterall, we were only adopting a baby. We brought Sarah home 6 weeks shy of her 1st birthday. She would quickly forget the orphanage and adjust to our home and probably never know any different.
After bringing Sarah home, we went through weeks and then months of Sarah adjusting and accepting us as Mommy and Daddy. I did expect that : ) We had several nights a week of what I would call "night-terrors"(screaming, pushing us away, fighting us, crying) for hours during the middle of the night. It was hard but I was ok... she just was scared. Those nights quickly became less and less frequent with occasional relapses.
In fact, we started doing so well, I really relaxed as it seemed Sarah was officially "adjusted". Wrong. It wasn't until I did some travelling this summer while David was in Romania that God started revealing to me the meaning behind the words "bonding and attachment". We had a set back on our trip that upset me more than I wanted to admit.
Since that set back(a sleepless night of screaming/crying comparable to her 1st weeks home), her sleeping issues have gone from bad to worse. Screaming as if "possessed" at every nap and bedtime and waking up every night with the same fits. The only part that has been better is that she does stop when we go and get her. However, she starts right back up if we leave. Thus a couple of very tired and exhausted parents.
A few nights ago, I was listening to one of her fits, paralyzed by what the right thing to do was and almost giving in to a meltdown myself. Something had to be done. Some have offered "it's just her personality" and some have suggested "it's just a phase". But none of those opinions have made sense to me or given me peace. I suppose because a mama just knows when something's not right with her baby.
As the Lord would have it, I received a phone call from a dear friend, who also is an adoptive mom. She heard my expressed concerns through different ears and suggested it was a bonding/attachment issue. Tears pricked my eyes as she continued talking and I felt confirmation that a piece of my Sarah's heart indeed is broken. This was comforting... the truth always is. It is comforting because when you understand something is broken, then you can start working on how to fix it.
There are so many kinds of "history" a child can have pre-adoption that affects him/her. And as unique as their history is, their own genetic make-up also determines how they will respond to that history. Each of my bio kids have individual personalities that we have to approach differently in parenting but with Sarah we have to approach her personality and how that personality responded to living in an orphanage with no sole provider for the 1st year of her life.
Seeing Sarah's broken heart is helping me have compassion when I didn't know I needed it. Seeing her heart is helping me be intentional about spending special Sarah time.... which is hard to do when there's another little needy toddler(Emily) trying to crawl up my leg. God is teaching me the importance of this trust and security in her life and how He wants to heal her through me. That I would love her like Christ so that she may one day be able to put that trust and security in the Savior of the World.
God has continued to reveal how my other 3 need that intentional showering of specific love too. But most of all, He's shown me how important my bonding and attachment to HIM is the only way I will be successful as a mom to ALL my children.
And would you believe after implementing these thoughts into action, we have had 2 FULL nights of sleep the last 2 days..... PRAISE the LORD!!!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Sarah's Birthday : )

these two little sisters are best friends again and everything is right in the world of toddlers!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
When Scandal hurts the Body of Christ
There was a scandal. There was sin. There was immeasurable hurt incurred to the innocent and hurt to even the one to blame.
I have taken this news rather hard. Maybe because of the evils of Satan .....but I've seen the devil's handiwork before. No, I think mostly because this place of ministry was SACRED to me. God used this ministry in the most tender time in my coming to know the Lord. I look at this time in my life with deep gratitude and love for my God in how He spoke so clearly in my life and changed me inside and out. The "guilty" one involved in the scandal, I knew personally. This person was part of what made that glorious "time" in my life so very poweful and effective. I would never and could never have believed any of this scandal to be true had this person not confessed.
I know many of you reading this are shaking your heads. You've been there before. Sadness, disappointment, anger, bitterness, cynicism, hurt.... all waiting to creep into the human heart.
In the midst of my grieving spirit over what has been lost, God has reminded me of what can be gained. We can learn and we can grow through these tragedies.
*We must always remember that we are all susceptable and capable of sin, even outrageous sin... "Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed that he does not fall." 1 Cor. 10:12
*We must be careful to never hold up a man/woman as God because we are all merely human... "Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry." 1Cor. 10:14
* We must remember God's sovereignty and His goodness. What satan intends for evil, God intends for good. "As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, " Gen. 50:20.
Please pray for this unspoken ministry with me.... the ripple effect will be great. God go with my dear brothers and sisters that are picking up the pieces.
Friday, September 4, 2009
"Sorry, God"

Yesterday, as we were leaving a friend's house, I asked the boys to get their shoes on and get in the car. They got their shoes on, went out the door, ran for the grass and started wrestling followed by a fight over the sliding door to our mini-van.
All the way home, my thoughts went from anger at my boys to guilt for being a "terrible" mom. I made them go to their rooms to get control of my emotions and to talk to the Lord and decide on how to handle their behavior.
Thankfully David walked in the door as I was feeling very drained. I vented my frustrations and he decided to "save the day" : )
He told the boys to draw instead of write what their behavior should have looked like and to draw how sorry they were to God for disobeying their mommy. It was WONDERUL!
So, the above drawing is by Zach. The 1st drawing is of him disobeying with the word NO and the second drawing is of him getting in the car with the word YES.... my favorite was the "sorr God". (Caleb's drawing was very good too, Zach's was just far more entertaining : )
Saturday, August 29, 2009
What do I know of Holy?
Well... a song by Addison Road recently did that to me. It's called "What do I know of Holy?" It is such an honest and raw admission to what many Christians' relationship with God is really like. And definitely speaks to ALL Christians on some level.
American Christianity is so confusing to me sometimes when I compare it to the Bible. And sure, no culture gets Christianity right.... we live in a sinful world. Still, in America, it seems that everything is so packaged, successful, scheduled, productive, programmed.....
I want to know God. I want to know Him and have Him be known.... that's it. I long to meet others who want to talk about Him like He is part of their day, that walk because He picks them up each day and carries them on. I tire of hearing how to "be" perfect and "do" perfect and "say" perfect. I am so incredibly flawed and many times find myself following along with everyone else picking myself up each day and willing myself through. No grace, no love... just condemnation and criticism.
I LIVE for those moments when God brings me to my knees. I LIVE for those moments that He lifts back the veil of His glory and allows me to gaze at His beauty. I LIVE for those moments when He reminds me of my sin and the ONE who took it away.
In a world that idolizes perfection in every way, my prayer is not to be perfect. I pray for humility. I pray that when He touches me I will know Him. I pray that when He looks in my eyes I will behold Him. I pray to KNOW Holy.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
End of an Era
I can't believe the days of being at home with my little guys are over! Zachary was MORE than ready for Kindergarten but not ME! Yes I am excited about raising my two little girls with undivided attention but really, how did the last 8 yrs. go so fast?? I haven't broken down yet, but it may be coming : ) Despite my sadness in saying goodbye to days of old.... aren't these 2 brothers cuter than all get out? Sorry, the mommy in me can't help thinking how sweet it is that they are at school TOGETHER : )
Hugs to all the other mommies out there fighting back those tears!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Dolls for Sarah

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Finally home...

Couldn't get Sarah to pose on the swing, she much preferred the John Deere tractor

As usual, Sarah doing things the RIGHT way and Emily, well... let's just say she's creative : )
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Happy Forever Family Day!!!

There seem to be no words and yet thousands of words to somehow conclude what the last year has been like with Sarah home. I've spent the last week being very nostalgic and emotional as I've thought endlessly about just one year ago.
So much has happened since then... everything's changed so much and yet so much has not.
We went to the Embassy one year ago today to legally commit to caring and providing for Sarah. I would have died for her I loved her so much. The crazy part is we loved her and didn't even know her.
I'm sure that sounds very sweet and romantic... and very true.
However, for all our commitment, our agape love, and romantic notions... you come home with a child from another country that you have pretty much NO relationship with. And day after day, week after week, month after month from that day on you learn about each other. We learned about her and she learned about us. Sometimes it was pure joy... other times it was confusing and hard. And that went for both Sarah and us : )
The relationship is what has changed.
Our relationship with Sarah has changed from committed, agape love with all kinds of romantic fantasies to a relationship based on that same love with the addition of knowledge. That SWEET, FAMILIAR knowledge. Knowledge like where the perfect spot on her belly is that makes her squeal with giggles, or that knowledge that when I pick her up from the nursery, she's going to run to me, nestle her face into my shoulder and take deep breaths, smelling me like I was a flower. That knowledge that when I turn my back, she's going to take a bite out of her sister's arm : ) Or that knowledge when I ask her for a kiss, she'll lean forward with the most adorable puckered lips you've ever seen.
Our relationship with God is what hasn't changed.
He's still there. When things were unfamiliar for all of us, He was familiar. When things seemed confusing and unsettling, He was the same. When fears clouded our hearts, He was perfect peace. He is what stayed constant from that 1st relationship we had with Sarah via pictures on email to the real relationship we had with Sarah as we came to know her in the flesh. (Although I must say how much joy I've found going back through pictures from the orphanage and seeing Sarah's expressions and with confidence being able to say, ah, I finally recognize that expression... looking at them and knowing which pictures showed her sad face, her overwhelmed face, her content face, her scared face...)
Sarah has changed and so have we.
Sarah is exceedingly more confident, happy, physically developed, bold, expressive and loving than 1 year ago. She absolutely loves her daddy, mommy, brothers and sister fiercely and has grown by leaps and bounds in her ability to trust. Until our recent travelling, she hadn't had sleep issues since April, which has been a huge blessing and a tell tale sign of her great adjustment in bonding and attachment.
We are exceedingly more attached and bonded to Sarah as our precious daughter than 1 year ago. I simply cannot fathom life without my Sarah and am daily filled with joy by her sweet, adorable little person. I thank God for completing my love for Sarah with such fond and consuming affection that every mother feels for her children!
So many changes and yet so much the same. Thank you Lord!!
If you'd like to take a peek back in history, click on the link below to see our Adoption video in tribute to our FIRST Forever Family Day!!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Adios Papa!

If you are interested in following the team while they're there, you can read up on their trip at
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Warriors for Christ

And then the next night, we were headed to bed and Zach says to me with his hands both up for a high 10.....
Wow.... nothing like being challenged by your own children!! I'm so grateful for my little warriors : )
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Being Ordained...
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Vacation Pics: Part I
Sarah with her Cheer Bear

The Beach:

Thursday, June 11, 2009
We had an AMAZING time!! I tried really hard not to have expectations, realizing we were taking two 1yr. olds and we were going to have to drive 18 hrs. Whew!!! Let me tell you, it was a haul : ) But after arriving and getting a good night's sleep in, things were great!!
We didn't do anything spectacular. We went to the beach 1 day and went mini-golfing 1 of the evenings but the rest of the time we just stayed put. We rested, relaxed and got a LOT of use out of the swimming pool!! The place we stayed at was great because I could cook all of our meals right there!
Honestly, the best part was having Dave all to ourselves! Ministry can be very consuming and it felt heavenly to have all of his attention for 7 days straight : )
Zachary celebrated his GOLDEN birthday, # 6, at Walt Disney World at the end of our time in Orlando. We were able to just take the boys for their special Disney day thanks to Dave's mom and sister. Dave's mom took his sister and niece on a mini-vacation in Orlando the same time as us in order to come over for the day to watch the girls.... we are so THANKFUL!! It also turned out that the girls rode on Grandma's and Aunt Chris' laps on the plane ride home.... again THANKFUL!! (Especially since we ended up with a flat tire on the way home!)
I'll share some pics the next time I make it to Walmart's film developer :) Overall, one of the best memories I have of our family and so grateful to God for giving us that sacred time together! Hope everyone is able to take time to make special memories with their families this summer.... in a world that competes with the survival and sanctity of families, I urge all families to take time away and invest in something of eternal value... EACH OTHER!!
Friday, May 29, 2009
A Moment to Remember

Today also marks 10 months home which is the same amount of time she spent apart from us in the orphanage. I would have to write a book to describe what the last 10 months of Sarah being home has been like! She has grown and changed and BLOSSOMED into a distinct, precious, and permanent part of our family. She is a Daddy's girl for sure, a Mommy's helper and snuggler, a best friend for Emily, and she is ADORED by her brothers!! Praise God for the GREAT things He has done!!